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Accelerating the dissemination of 3D electron microscopy reconstructions of Alzheimer's Brain from legacy human brain biopsy samples.

Images of Note CIL_50520; NCBI Organism:Homo sapiens, ; Cell Components:nucleus, nucleolus, plasma membrane, Golgi apparatus part, ; CIL_40182; NCBI Organism:Homo sapiens; Cell Types:pyramidal cell, neuron of cerebral cortex; Cell Components:neuronal cell body CIL_40185; NCBI Organism:Homo sapiens; Cell Types:pyramidal cell, neuron of cerebral cortex; Cell Components:neuronal cell body, Golgi apparatus, lipid particle, nucleus, nucleolus, plasma membrane; CIL_40184; NCBI Organism:Homo sapiens; Cell Types:pyramidal cell, neuron of cerebral cortex; Cell Components:neuronal cell body CIL_40191; NCBI Organism:Homo sapiens; Cell Types:pyramidal cell, neuron of cerebral cortex; Cell Components:neuronal cell body, Golgi apparatus, lipid particle, nucleus, nucleolus, plasma membrane; CIL_50519; NCBI Organism:Homo sapiens, ; Cell Components:nucleus, nucleolus, plasma membrane, Golgi apparatus part, ; CIL_50512; NCBI Organism:Homo sapiens, ; Cell Components:nucleus, nucleolus, plasma membrane, Golgi apparatus part, ; CIL_50515; NCBI Organism:Homo sapiens, ; Cell Components:nucleus, nucleolus, plasma membrane, Golgi apparatus part, ; CIL_50513; NCBI Organism:Homo sapiens, ; Cell Components:nucleus, nucleolus, plasma membrane, Golgi apparatus part, ; CIL_50514; NCBI Organism:Homo sapiens, ; Cell Components:nucleus, nucleolus, plasma membrane, Golgi apparatus part, ;

Legacy Brain Biopsy Samples From AD Patients
Delivering complete whole cell reconstructions of neurons and glia from unique biopsy samples of cerebral cortex taken from leading AD researchers in the 1960’s and 1980’s.
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High Throughput 3D Electron Microscopy
Exploiting recent advances in automated 3D EM to provide a large reference collection of fully reconstructed brain cells and neurites (and their subcellular constituents) in the vicinity of amyloid plaques.

Deep Learning-based Automatic Image Segmentation
Leveraging powerful deep learning-based approaches to rigorously and quantitatively extract detailed information about inter-organelle associations and cytoskeletal reorganization associated with neuronal degeneration of the type found in AD.
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*Powered by the Cell Image Library (CIL).