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Center for Research in Biological Systems
Basic Science Building, Room 1000
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0608, USA
: (858) 534-0276
: (858) 534-7497
Search Results for
cortical microtubule, transverse to...
(5 results)
NCBI Organism Classification
Toxoplasma gondii RH
Biological Process
regulation of cell shape
Cellular Component
cortical microtubule, transverse to long axis
Toxoplasma gondii double stable clone expressing TgAPR1-mCherryFP (an MTOC protein) and EGFP-beta1-tubulin. 3D stack image of a live unfixed specimen acquired using API Delta Vision on Olympus ix70 w...
NCBI Organism Classification
Toxoplasma gondii RH
Biological Process
regulation of cell shape
Cellular Component
cortical microtubule, transverse to long axis
Toxoplasma gondii double stable clone expressing TgAPR1-mCherryFP (an MTOC protein) and EGFP-beta1-tubulin. 3D stack image of a live unfixed specimen acquired using API Delta Vision on Olympus ix70 wi...
NCBI Organism Classification
Toxoplasma gondii RH
Biological Process
regulation of cell shape
Cellular Component
cortical microtubule, transverse to long axis
Toxoplasma gondii double stable clone expressing TgAPR1-mCherryFP (an MTOC protein) and EGFP-beta1-tubulin. 3D stack image of a live unfixed specimen acquired using API Delta Vision on Olympus ix70 wi...
NCBI Organism Classification
Trypanosoma brucei
Biological Process
ciliary or flagellar motility
Cellular Component
microtubule basal body
The flagellar pocket of a Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream form cell, with short flagellum. The image shows a new flagellum starting to grow from the flagellar pocket, in preparation for the next cell d...
NCBI Organism Classification
Tetrahymena pyriformis
Biological Process
microtubule basal body organization
Cellular Component
microtubule basal body
A composite of cross sections through the cilium-basal body complex extending from the cilium to the transition zone between the cilium and basal body and ending at the proximal tip of the basal body....