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Center for Research in Biological Systems
Basic Science Building, Room 1000
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0608, USA
: (858) 534-0276
: (858) 534-7497
Search Results for
ciliary rootlet
(8 results)
NCBI Organism Classification
Didinium nasutum
Biological Process
microtubule cytoskeleton organization
Cellular Component
cell cortex
Didinium has two bands of ciliated basal bodies that encircle the cell, one adorally and one aborally. The bands are composed of groups of approximately 15 ciliated basal bodies. This section is a lon...
NCBI Organism Classification
Didinium nasutum
Biological Process
ciliary cell motility
Cellular Component
cell cortex
High resolution view of an oblique section shows the transverse aspect of basal bodies/cilia within one pectinelle of one of the two ciliary girdles of Didinium. Two ribbons of microtubules and a shor...
NCBI Organism Classification
Didinium nasutum
Biological Process
ciliary cell motility
Cellular Component
cell cortex
An oblique section shows the transverse aspect of basal bodies/cilia within one pectinelle of one of the two ciliary girdles of Didinium. Two ribbons of microtubules and a short kinetodesmal fiber ari...
NCBI Organism Classification
Didinium nasutum
Biological Process
ciliary cell motility
Cellular Component
cell cortex
A high resolution micrograph of the locomotor cortex of Didinium. A longitudinal section reveals the basal bodies and the axonemes of cilia as they emerge from the cell cortex of Didinium. Bundles of ...
NCBI Organism Classification
Halteria grandinella
Biological Process
cytoskeleton organization
Cellular Component
oral apparatus
High resolution image of the buccal cavity of Halteria has oral ciliature on its left side and a paroral kinety consisting of only one row of basal bodies and cilia on its right side. A cytopharynx wi...
NCBI Organism Classification
Halteria grandinella
Biological Process
response to food
Cellular Component
oral apparatus
An image of the buccal cavity of Halteria has oral ciliature on its left side and a paroral kinety consisting of only one row of basal bodies and cilia on its right side. A cytopharynx with microtubul...
NCBI Organism Classification
Didinium nasutum
Biological Process
ciliary cell motility
Cellular Component
cell cortex
The locomotor cortex of Didinium. A longitudinal section of basal bodies and the axonemes of cilia is revealed as they emerge from the cell cortex of Didinium. Bundles of microtubules extend from the ...
NCBI Organism Classification
Didinium nasutum
Biological Process
microtubule cytoskeleton organization
Cellular Component
cell cortex
A high resolution image Didinium. This ciliate has two bands of ciliated basal bodies that encircle the cell, one adorally and one aborally. The bands are composed of groups of approximately 15 ciliat...