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Center for Research in Biological Systems
Basic Science Building, Room 1000
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0608, USA
: (858) 534-0276
: (858) 534-7497
Search Results for
eye morphogenesis
(7 results)
NCBI Organism Classification
Gallus gallus
Biological Process
eye development
Cellular Component
cell surface
Confocal image of the developing eye of a chick embryo. The dark region in the centre is the where the surface layer has invaginated to form the lens vesicle. The tissue surrounding this space is stai...
NCBI Organism Classification
Danio rerio
Biological Process
eye morphogenesis
Cellular Component
none specified
This study of the zebrafish eye is a series of four images taken at increasing magnifications. This image, the first image is the SEM block face of the zebrafish eye. This is followed by a second im...
NCBI Organism Classification
Enallagma cyathigerum
Biological Process
compound eye pigmentation
Cellular Component
none specified
Projection a series of confocal images of the eye of a commmon blue damselfly. This projection shows the regular, crystal-like architecture of the eye of the Enallagma cyathigerum, an active visual pr...
NCBI Organism Classification
Danio rerio
Biological Process
Dlx4/6 promotor specification
Cellular Component
neuron projection
Confocal micrograph of the head region of a transgenic zebrafish embryo. The large circular structure is the eye, showing the structure of the retina. Some neurons in the brain are highlighted in gre...
NCBI Organism Classification
Danio rerio
Biological Process
optic nerve structural organization
Cellular Component
neuron projection
Confocal micrograph showing the connections of the visual system in a four-day-old zebrafish embryo. Staining of the neurons, glia and optic nerve illustrate the connections between the retina and the...
NCBI Organism Classification
Danio rerio
Biological Process
retina layer formation
Cellular Component
none specified
This study of the zebrafish eye is a series of four images taken at increasing magnifications. The first image is the SEM block face of the zebrafish eye. This is followed by this image, the second ...
NCBI Organism Classification
Danio rerio
Biological Process
retina layer formation
Cellular Component
This study of the zebrafish eye is a series of four images taken at increasing magnifications. The first image is the SEM block face of the zebrafish eye. This is followed by a second image that is ...