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CIL:50451*  Cite 

In this study, we developed an electron microscopy method, called CryoChem, to optimally preserve the morphology of genetically labeled tissues. This method also allows us to perform 3D correlated light and electron microscopy (CLEM) in the well-preserved tissue. This dataset contains the SBEM volume of the CLEM experiment in a mouse brain expressing tdTomato in corticotropin releasing factor-expressing neurons.

Technical Details

Brief description of sample preparation
After cryofixation by high-pressure freezing and freeze-substitution, cryofixedmouse brain slices were rehydrated gradually. Rehydrated samples were then imaged with confocal microscopy to capture the DRAQ5 and tdTomato signals. Next, the samples were stained using a high-contrast en bloc staining protocol. Then the samples were dehydrated for resin infiltration and embedding, followed by imaging with X-ray microscopy and then SBEM.

Serial Block-face Scanning Electron Microscopy
The mouse brain slice wasimaged with a Merlin scanning electron microscope equipped with a 3View2XP and OnPoint backscatter detector. The volume was collected at 2 kV, with 6.8 nm pixels; 70 nm Z steps and 15% local gas injection. The raster size was 10k x 15k and the Z dimension was 659 sections. The volume was aligned using cross correlation and visualized using IMOD.

Biological Sources
NCBI Organism Classification
Mus musculus
Cell Type
Mouse brain tissue
Tin Ki Tsang
Eric Bushong
Daniela Boassa
Junru Hu
Benedetto Romoli
Sebastien Phan
Davide Dulcis
Chih-Ying Su
Mark Ellisman
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Archival Resource Key (ARK)
Grouping This image is part of a group.
Image Type
recorded image
Image Mode
serial block face SEM (SBFSEM)
Spatial Axis Image Size Pixel Size
X 10165px ——
Y 15325px ——
Z 659px ——