Shown is a a confocal microscope image of a human gingival fibroblast in culture. Interphase microtubules (green) are labeled with alpha/beta tubulin primary antibodies. FITC conjugated secondary antibody was applied afterwards. The centrosomal protein pericentrin was labeled with anti-pericentrin followed by Cy3 conjugated secondary antibody and appears as a pair of red juxtanuclear signals (red). Nuclear DNA (blue) was stained with Hoechst33242.
A stack of 7 confocal images 3.2 micrometers in thickness using a Zeiss LSM 510 confocal microscope with meta detector. The objective lens was a 63 x Plan Apo with NA: 1.4. The image represents a 'z' projection of the 7 0.75 micrometer thick slices
Spatial Axis | Image Size | Pixel Size |
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Y | 772px | —— |