In a 9-day old culture of stationary phase cells, two or three days post-conjugation, remnants of the previous macronucleus could be found near normal macronuclear bodies. This remnant was identified by its nuclear envelope and a nucleolar body. A sparsely dispersed array of other electron-opaque bodies was present but these were far fewer than in a normal macronucleus. Presumably this body represents a breakdown product of the disintegrating macronucleus that was present before the preceding conjugation that occurred on day 6 or 7. TEM taken on 3/6/80 by R. Allen with Hitachi HU11A operating at 75kV. Neg. 3,500X. Bar = 1µm.
Standard glutaraldehyde fixation followed by osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in alcohol and embedded in an epoxy resin. Microtome sections prepared at approximately 75nm thickness. The negative was printed to paper and the image was scanned to Photoshop. This digitized image is available for qualitative analysis. Additional information available at (
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